
Hello, it’s Nate.

Last weekend Hiromi and I took a trip to Tottori with Hiromi’s younger sister and her husband. They invited (誘った)us to go buy some Asian pears (梨)and eat seafood with them. 

The drive took about 3.5 hours one way(片道). I enjoy looking out the window at the scenery (窓から景色を眺める)on long car trips (when I’m not driving, of course!). On the way there, we stopped at rest area(道の駅) and ate some nashi ice cream. It was really good! 

Shortly after that(その後少しして), we arrived at our destination(目的地). It was lunchtime, so we wanted to eat first. The place we wanted to go to (行きたかった所)had too many people waiting, so we went to a different place that wasn’t so busy. We got kaisen-don. It was delicious. 

After lunch, we went to the market to buy the Asian pears. We got 秋月 and 20世紀 pears. I wanted to get a 新甘泉, too, but it cost 1,000 yen for just one, so Hiromi said no. 🙁  … We Also got some シャインマスカット grapes, butternut squash(バターナッツかぼちゃ), nashi jam, nashi wine, and some bread. (I’m going to make soup with it.) 

This is a butternut squash. They are delicious!


After going shopping, we went to the Sand Museum(鳥取砂丘砂の美術館). It’s near the Tottori sand dunes(砂丘). The current exhibit (現在の展示)is about France. There were many different sculptures(彫刻) of scenes from French history. It was really interesting. 

After the museum, we drove home. Nina was excited to see us and to check out the things we brought home(持って帰った物を見たがっていた)


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