
Hi Everyone, it’s Nate.
Have you taken up any new hobbies or interests lately? I have.
Well, it’s not actually a new hobby–it’s something that I have been interested in for a long time. I’m talking about writing. I have always liked words, even since I was little. I enjoy experimenting with them and finding interesting ways to use them. Sometimes, I have ideas for stories, but I don’t know how to go about putting it down on paper.
So, I recently started watching a college course on writing science-fiction and fantasy. The professor is a famous sci-fi / fantasy author named Brandon Sanderson. He put up an entire semester of videos of his class. So far, the class has been really interesting. The class is designed to help writers turn ideas in their heads into stories on the page.
When you start becoming comfortable with English, why not try learning something in English? English might be fun to learn, but it is even more fun to use it for something. Try using English to discover more of the world.
それでは本日は以上です!See you next time.