
Hello, it’s Nate!
- cedar (tree): 杉
- cypress (tree): ひのき
- grass family (rice plant): イネ科
- ragweed: ブタクサ
- pollen: 花粉 In spring, cedar and cypress trees start producing a lot of pollen.
- symptom(s): 症状
- hay fever: 花粉症 In Japan, the main causes of hay fever in the springtime are cedar and cypress pollen.
- seasonal allergies: 季節性アレルギー People who suffer from seasonal allergies often take medicine to help their symptoms.
- sneeze: くしゃみ Hiromi sneezed loudly. (動詞の使い方)/ I heard a sneeze. (名詞の使い方)
- I have a runny nose: 鼻水が出る
- I have nasal congestion: 鼻づまりがある
- I have itchy eyes: 目がかゆい Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes are common symptoms of hay fever / seasonal allergies.
- have a/an (…) allergy / be allergic to (…): ~アレルギーです I’m allergic to cedar and cypress pollen. / I have an allergy to (cedar/cypress/grass) pollen.